We are happy to report the following awards for PSNC member Patricia Bevan in 2007!
Honorable Mention Award in “All Critters Great and Small” exhibition.
Annual regional theme exhibition, sponsored by the Blacksburg Regional Art Association and League of Roanoke Artists.
Painting: “Struttin”
Silver Award.
Annual national members’ juried exhibition, sponsored by the Southeastern Pastel Society.
Painting: “Homage To Vincent’s Shoes”
Honorable Mention Award.
Annual national members’ juried exhibition, sponsored by the Southeastern Pastel Society.
Painting: “Arabian Classic”
Award of Merit in “New River Art 2007” exhibition.
Biennial regional juried exhibition, sponsored by the Montgomery, Roanoke, Radford, and Pulaski County Art Associations.
Painting: “Path To Shaker Village”
Honorable Mention Award in “Pastel 100” exhibition.
Annual national juried exhibition, sponsored by “The Pastel Journal” magazine.
Painting: “Homage To Vincent’s Shoes”
Congratulations, Pat!