It is time to let us know what you would like to do to assist and grow your society. If you would like to be put on the ballot for a position on the Executive Board or one of the committees for 2012, please contact Vinita Jain at (919) 677-9326. Or if you would like to assist in some other manner, please let us know in which committee you would enjoy participating.
Here are some very brief descriptions of the positions your society counts on every year. There are many jobs and multiple opportunities to be a bigger part of the group. Consider what your talents are, where you might enjoy participating, and then talk with any of the current board members or committee chair-people to get a more complete description of the activities.
President: work closely with board and chair-people guiding decisions to maintain and grow the organization. Computer skills necessary.
Vice President: work in concert with the president in all activities and continue to coordinate the meeting location according to the needs of the program presentation as set out by the Program committee prior to each month’s meeting. Computer skills necessary.
Secretary: high degree of computer skills, ability to react and record the spoken program, meeting, board meetings and called meetings. Coordinate these written materials for archiving.
Treasurer: Anne Kiefaber would like to continue in this position for 2012. Please let us know if you would like to assist and prepare for next year. Computer skills necessary.
Membership: the heartbeat of any organization… Committee members will assist chairman with membership materials, encourage sign-up of new members, greet visitors at meetings and exhibitions, assist/coordinate with Publicity Committee and opportunities to present membership information to other groups, schools/colleges, public venues, manage membership list and accounting of new paid members, use computer skills to send out broadcast announcements from President or approved announcements from other committees. Computer skills necessary.
Exhibitions: Chair and members will work with plans already in place and assist:
Statewide Show Chair – Patricia Savage: Competition/ Exhibition scheduled for June 2012 in Raleigh
Members’ Show – need Chair to coordinate members show according to guidelines. Location secured for 2012.
Both show chairs will need people to help with:
- work with gallery directors coordinating logistics of show, reception, etc.
- prepare prospectuses
- work with Publicity committee on necessary materials for widespread advertising
- hanging shows
- receive, check-in, cataloging/inventory artwork for shows
- computer skills necessary.
Publicity: committee positions and needs:
- coordination of media for shows (working with Exhibitions Committee), announcements, and meetings
- working with Programs Committee to get information to the Webmaster, the Membership Chairman, and the public
- copy writing/editing
- layout and design of various advertising materials, fliers, postcards, etc.
- building and maintenance of mailing list/ email list
- computer skills very helpful.
Programs: Most programs are in place from now until mid year 2012. Chair and members would continue to develop program ideas, securing speakers, and do follow up for the balance of 2012. Coordinate with VP on museum location and needs of presenters. Computer skills helpful.
Workshop: chair and committee members will assist with planning of workshops by members/guest instructors/juror-instructors. May work with Exhibition Chairs if workshop is to be coordinated with shows. Activities may include working with board on contract negotiations for location and hire of instructor, preparation of location, manage student lists, see to needs of instructor, etc. Computer skills necessary.
Website: committee to assist coordination of materials for Webmaster. Follow up assistance from other committees. Computer skills necessary.
Hospitality: some coordination of receptions at show locations will take place with Exhibitions Committee and Gallery locations. End of year/ December meeting is a social activity and would be coordinated with Host location. Committee will coordinate food, drink, presentation (serving materials, tablecloths, ice, etc.), and clean up. Computer skills not necessary but occasionally helpful.
Nominating/Elections: work with Executive Board and Membership chair to create recommendation of slate for following year. Coordinate with Webmaster for online voting. Phone or supply hard copy ballots for computer-illiterate members. Computer skills helpful
Historian: manage and update archives of the organization. Computer skills necessary.