Call to NC/SC artists! Our annual $15,000 juried arts competition just kicked off. Open only to NC/SC residents. Bloomberg/Wall St. Journal critic as juror. Any medium accepted. Enter by 3/15/13.
Call to NC/SC artists! Our annual $15,000 juried arts competition just kicked off. Open only to NC/SC residents. Bloomberg/Wall St. Journal critic as juror. Any medium accepted. Enter by 3/15/13.
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Already a member and have something to share? Fill out our blog item submission form to announce your latest show, class, or a general announcement to the group.
Programs are on the second Saturday of each month, usually from 10am to noon (US Eastern Time).
For details of upcoming programs visit our programs schedule page.
If you are a current PSNC member and want to share your news, fill out the form here.